No, that’s not in the COVID bill
Congress has this fondness for consolidated bills. If Senator Armsmoney (R-US) going to vote for some Democratic priority like expanding … Continue reading No, that’s not in the COVID bill
Keeping Tabs on Our Long National Nightmare
Congress has this fondness for consolidated bills. If Senator Armsmoney (R-US) going to vote for some Democratic priority like expanding … Continue reading No, that’s not in the COVID bill
After months of kicking the ball aimlessly around the field, Congress finally scored a goal late Sunday when it reached … Continue reading The end-of-the-year COVID relief bill, explained
Emmarie Huetteman At least half of voters prefer former Vice President Joe Biden’s approach to health care over President Donald … Continue reading Majority of Voters Tilt Toward Biden as Health Issues Weigh Heavily
Aneri Pattani September 29, 2020 For a term that’s at least 100 years old, “herd immunity” has gained new life … Continue reading Corralling the Facts on Herd Immunity